Abril 8, 2020
Harrisburg, PA − Abril 8, 2020 − The Senate adjourned Martes afternoon after the House Republicans indicated they would not be taking up Senate Bill 841, legislation that would have enabled local municipalities to hold their meetings remotely, permitted e-notary use;...
Febrero 13, 2020
Philadelphia – Febrero 13, 2020 — State Senator Vincent Hughes (D-Philadelphia/Montgomery) joined Chief Defender Keir Bradford-Grey to announce the Defender Association of Philadelphia was the recipient of a $250,000 grant award. The Defender Association of...
24 de junio de 2019
Harrisburg, Pa. − Junio 24, 2019 − Members of the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus today jointly sent a letter to Governor Tom Wolf requesting a disaster declaration for gun violence in the Commonwealth. “We believe it is necessary to raise the public’s awareness...
29 de marzo de 2019
FILADELFIA - 29 de marzo de 2019 - Hoy, el senador Hughes se unió a una amplia coalición de líderes sindicales y funcionarios electos convocados por la Federación de Maestros de Filadelfia. El grupo se reunió en la escuela primaria F.S. Key para proponer una inversión inmediata de 170...
26 de marzo de 2019
HARRISBURG, PA, 26 de marzo de 2019 - Los demócratas de la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado de Pensilvania presentaron hoy un paquete de legislación destinado a frenar el acoso en el lugar de trabajo, junto con el apoyo del gobernador Tom Wolf y la defensora de las víctimas Jennifer Storm. "Como caucus, hemos...
Marzo 21, 2019
Philadelphia, PA – Marzo 21, 2019 – Governor Tom Wolf toured the John H. Taggart School in Philadelphia today to see progress on removing contaminants which can cause serious health problems. The governor also outlined how Restore Pennsylvania, the most aggressive...
Enero 16, 2019
HARRISBURG, PA - 16 de enero de 2019 -Los miembros del Caucus Demócrata del Senado se mantuvieron unidos el miércoles, delineando los impactos del cierre federal en sus electores y abordando posibles remedios a nivel estatal. "En mi condado de Allegheny, tenemos...
Puede 3, 2018
Harrisburg – Puede 3, 2018 – Horrific school shootings have prompted calls for banning assault weapons, posting armed guards in school buildings and other school safety upgrades. Two Philadelphia senators say we need to do more. Sen. Vincent J. Hughes...
Noviembre 16, 2016
Harrisburg – Noviembre 16, 2016 – Senate Democrats today elected leaders for the 2017-18 legislative session. State Senator Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) was re-elected Democratic Floor Leader. “It is an honor and a privilege to once again be chosen to serve the caucus as...
Marzo 12, 2014
HARRISBURG, Marzo 12, 2014 – State Senate Democrats today said they would save Pennsylvania taxpayers billions of dollars and solve the state’s pension problem if their proposal to further reform pension rules, refinance billions and help school districts avoid...