Presupuesto estatal 2023-24
Budget Documents
2023-24 Enacted Budget
The 2023-24 Commonwealth Budget was signed by Governor Shapiro on Agosto 3, 2023.
2023-24 Enacted Budget Line Item Appropriations (PDF)
2023-24 Governor’s Executive Budget (PDF)
2023-24 Proposed Budget Line-Item Appropriation (PDF)
2023-24 Proposed Budget Slide Presentation (PDF)
2023-24 Proposed Budget
(Introduced by Governor Josh Shapiro, Marzo 7, 2023)
2023-24 Governor’s Executive Budget (PDF)
2023-24 Proposed Budget Line-Item Appropriation (PDF)
2023-24 Budget Hearings
Budget Address
On Martes, Marzo 7th, Governor Shapiro delivered his first budget address. Check here for updates, recaps and reactions from Senate Democrats throughout the budget process.
Senate and House Democrats React
Members of the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus and Pennsylvania House Democratic Caucus gathered in the main rotunda of the Capitol after the Governor’s Budget Address to share perspectives and responses to the proposed budget.
Senate Democrats share thoughts and reactions following Governor Shapiro’s budget address on Marzo 7, 2023.
Budget News & Video
El senador Hughes celebra los logros presupuestarios para profesores, justicia penal y escuelas más sanas
Harrisburg, PA - 14 de diciembre 2023 - El senador Vincent Hughes, senador demócrata Presidente de Asignaciones, emitió la siguiente declaración en respuesta a la aprobación del Proyecto de Ley 301 y el Proyecto de Ley 1300, los códigos presupuestarios que...
Democratic Senators, Representatives Praise Budget as A Good Start, Call for Continued Collaboration Throughout Budget Process
HARRISBURG, PA: Today, Senate Democrats and House Democrats held a joint press conference to respond to Governor Shapiro’s Budget Address. Senate Democrats are pleased with a commonsense budget that invests in the future of Pennsylvania, and are excited to continue...