
Febrero 2024

On Febrero 20, 2024, Senator Hughes held a live Telephone Town Hall to discuss the Property Tax & Rent Rebate and this tax season. You can hear the entire Town Hall by clicking on the player below:

Senator Hughes guests on The Bishop Mary Show on Febrero 12th to discuss the 2024-25 Budget Address, Education, Voting in PA and more. You can hear the entire interview by clicking on the player below:


Enero 2024

On Enero 31, 2024, Senator Hughes held a live Telephone Town Hall to discuss What’s Next for Funding our Public Schools. You can hear the entire Town Hall by clicking on the player below:

On Enero 8, 2024, Senator Hughes and Mayor Parker held a live telephone town hall about their vision for #OnePhilly and how state and city government can work together to make that happen. You can hear the entire Town Hall by clicking on the player below:

Noviembre 2023

Senator Hughes hosted a Telephone Town Hall on College Scholarships and Admissions on Noviembre 27th. You can hear the entire Town Hall by clicking on the player below:

Octubre 2023

Senator Hughes hosted a Telephone Town Hall on Heating Assistance/ Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) in PA on Octubre 30th. You can hear the entire Town Hall by clicking on the player below:

Agosto 2023

Senator Hughes hosted a Telephone Town Hall on Agosto 21st on Tangled House Titles. You can hear the entire Town Hall by clicking on the player below:


Julio 2023

Senator Hughes hosted a Telephone Town Hall on Julio 19th on Year-Round Eduction. Joining Senator Hughes was Philadelphia School District Superintendent Dr. Tony Watlington. You can hear the entire Town Hall by clicking on the player below:


Junio 2023

Senator Hughes hosted a Telephone Town Hall on Junio 20th on Gun Violence Prevention. Joining Senator Hughes was Philadelphia DA’s Gun Violence Task Force & CeaseFire PA. You can hear the entire Town Hall by clicking on the player below:

Febrero 2023

Senator Hughes hosted a Telephone Town Hall on Febrero 16 to discuss the Tax Preparation. You can hear the entire Town Hall by clicking on the player below:

Octubre 2022

Senator Hughes hosted a Telephone Town Hall on Octubre 11 to discuss the Voting in PA. You can hear the entire Town Hall by clicking on the player below:

Marzo 2022

Senator Hughes hosted a Telephone Town Hall on Marzo 2 to discuss the upcoming tax season. Joining the conversation was Mary Arthur, CEO of Campaign for Working Families. You can hear the entire Town Hall by clicking on the player below: