Tell Sen. Toomey to support the HEROES Act
Our people need a comprehensive recovery plan
Our communities are still reeling from the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and are in desperate need of help from the federal government.
As a means to help those who are struggling across this nation, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the $3 trillion Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act in May. Here are some of the key areas where the HEROES Act would help our communities:
- Extends $600 per week unemployment payments through January 2021
- Second round of economic impact or stimulus payments
- Expands food assistance for children and families
- Hazard pay for essential workers
- Small business assistance
- Funding for COVID-19 testing and contract tracing
- Student loan forgiveness
- Aid for our schools and local governments
Unfortunately, the HEROES Act has stalled in the U.S. Senate. Republican leaders are proposing an insufficient $1 trillion plan that does not do enough to help people in need.
Our loved ones, friends and neighbors are at risk of losing their homes. The budgets of our cities, as well as our municipal and state governments are billions of dollars short. People don’t have food to eat. We still do not have enough virus testing or contact tracing. We are still in the middle of a pandemic and need substantive federal relief!
Sen. Bob Casey supports the HEROES Act, but the commonwealth’s other U.S. Senator, Pat Toomey, does not. Call Sen. Toomey at 202-224-3121 and tell him to support the HEROES Act because we cannot afford to ignore the needs of our people as we continue to recover from this generational public health crisis.

REMINDER: Pennsylvania is in the Green Phase, but we still need you to wear your masks when you go into businesses and may interact with large groups of people. It is critical we take the necessary steps to continue to slow the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19.