PHILADELPHIA, February 22, 2012 – – In light of Governor Tom Corbett’s budget proposal, which includes deep cuts to basic education, state Senator Vincent Hughes (D-Phila./Montgomery) will tour Cook-Wissahickon Public School and hold a community meeting to discuss public education and the impacts of the proposed budget cuts.

The tour comes following a plea to protect school funding sent to Senator Hughes, along with state Rep. Pam DeLissio (D-194), and the governor from parents of school students.

WHO:       State Senator Vincent Hughes

WHAT:    Tour of Cook-Wissahickon Public School and Community Meeting on Public Education

WHEN:    Friday, February 24, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

WHERE:  Cook-Wissahickon Public School
201 E. Salaignac Ave.