HARRISBURG, January 14, 2013 – – Senate Democratic Appropriations Chair, Vincent Hughes (D-Phila./Montgomery) today provided the following statement regarding Governor Corbett’s decision to move forward with a Private Management Agreement (PMA) with UK-based Camelot Global Services. The move came late Friday afternoon, ahead of today’s Senate Finance Committee hearing on lottery privatization.
“I am deeply troubled by how quickly and quietly this deal with Camelot Global Services was pushed through and extremely concerned about the impact it will have on Pennsylvania – specifically on lottery employees, the seniors who benefit from lottery proceeds and property tax relief.
“As Pennsylvania is already facing a severe shortage of jobs and record unemployment, I am wary of any privatization deal that will mean the loss of many more family-sustaining jobs.
“The lottery has consistently provided crucial resources to Pennsylvania’s senior citizens. Our initial understanding of this deal is that it would provide more than $1 billion to a private operator and millions more to other private consultants. Every dollar in profit that would now go Camelot is a dollar that does not go to fund senior programs.”
“This deal was hastily and clandestinely done with little to no input from the public and General Assembly. It shows a complete lack of transparency by the Corbett Administration. We deserve to have all the information laid before us, especially as the lottery is so critical to seniors and the programs they depend upon.
“It is my hope that today’s Finance Committee hearing will allow for a thorough review of this plan and provide much needed answers to the many questions regarding Camelot and what this lottery privatization deal will mean for Pennsylvania.
“Beyond that, it is imperative that the Corbett Administration begins an immediate and open dialogue with the legislature and the people of Pennsylvania as this deal moves forward.”
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Please visit State Senator Vincent Hughes on the web at www.senatorhughes.com, as well as @SenatorHughes (Twitter) and Senator Vincent Hughes (Facebook).