January 30, 2023 − Senator Vincent Hughes shared the following statement in support of Senator Art Haywood’s press conference, held today, announcing his new report on campus racism and call for zero tolerance for hate across all Pennsylvania campuses.
“I support Senator Haywood’s call for a code of conduct at Pennsylvania’s state-owned, state-related, and private colleges and universities to reenforce that hate against individuals based on race, ethnicity, and religion is unacceptable.
He is not alone in his fight to get PA college and universities to take action on this issue and to ensure all students can enjoy and thrive on their campuses. We’re currently working on legislation with Sens. Haywood, Street and Anthony Williams that would direct the Joint State Government Commission to conduct a study on the impact of racial harassment and discrimination experienced by students enrolled in PASSHE schools. And I am always open to supporting other measures that will stop hate and give Black and Brown students equal opportunity and treatment in our education system.
We’ve fought for too hard and for too long to allow injustice, hate speech, and racism to exist anywhere in Pennsylvania, but particularly in our institutions of higher learning.”