HARRISBURG, August 15, 2012 – Following ommonwealth Court’s refusal to grant an injunction to stop the voter ID law going forward, State Senator Vincent Hughes (D-Phila./Montgomery) offered the following comments:
Watch real stories from citizens who will be disenfranchised by the Voter ID/Voter Suppression Law.
“The court’s refusal to grant the injunction and allow the law to proceed may result in hundreds of thousands of voters being disenfranchised. This is deeply troubling and I am very disappointed with this ruling.
“Based on the trend of these voter suppression laws cropping up throughout the nation, the real nature of this law is clear – tip the odds in favor of the Republican candidate in November’s presidential election.
“This law is not about protecting against voter fraud, it is about the very real, systematic disenfranchisement of the poor, seniors, students and racial minorities.
“The absence of evidence of voter fraud and the unpreparedness of the state to comply with this law is proof that Pennsylvania should not be moving forward on this misguided law.
“As I have said, the voter ID law is nothing more than a solution looking for a problem, a poll tax. The right to vote was guaranteed through the blood, sweat and tears of our ancestors. It is a right of all Americans. It is inherently unfair to snatch this right from so many.
“It is my hope that the Supreme Court will see through this ruling. Until then, I will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that individuals have the proper identification to vote in November.”
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The case is expected to be appealed to the state Supreme Court. Senate Democrats filed an amicus brief in support of granting a preliminary injunction.
Senator Hughes has included detailed instructions on how to obtain a valid ID card on his website, www.senatorhughes.com. Constituents can also call his district office at 215-879-7777.
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