Harrisburg, PA – October 3, 2018 – Senator Vincent Hughes (D-Philadelphia/Montgomery) announced a project in the 7th Senatorial District was selected for a grant through the Multimodal Transportation Fund.
The Philadelphia Streets Department was awarded $2,682,934 for critically needed traffic safety improvements to a Vision Zero High Injury Corridor on Parkside Avenue. The funds will be used for pedestrian islands, LED lighting, intersection improvements, and a new side path.
“The project on Parkside Avenue is yet another step in developing Philadelphia as a safe, walkable city in a key area,” Senator Hughes said. “I am pleased to see this investment in the district. Many thanks to Gov. Tom Wolf and PennDOT Secretary Leslie S. Richards for supporting projects like this across the commonwealth.”
In total, 42 highway, bridge, transit, ports and waterways, and bike and pedestrian projects will be in line for $49 million in funding through the Multimodal Transportation Fund.
“With these resources, we can improve transportation connections down to the local level and make a big difference for communities,” Governor Wolf said. “These investments reflect our commitment to all modes of transportation, both statewide and locally.”
Reflecting Governor Wolf’s and Secretary Richards’ emphasis on helping counties and municipalities tackle their backlog of needed bridge repairs, 14 of the 42 grants were awarded for local bridges.
“We simply must help our local partners address these critical links to ensure they remain open and in good repair,” Richards said. “Losing these links to weight restrictions or outright closures would place too great a burden on local communities and these grants will help avoid such outcomes.”
On October 5, PennDOT will begin accepting applications for the next round of funding for grants under the Multimodal Transportation Fund.
Applications are due by November 15, 2018. PennDOT expects to announce grant recipients next year for the funding that becomes available in July 2019.
For more information about the program visit www.penndot.gov and click on Multimodal Transportation under the “Projects & Programs” button.