E-mail calls under-performing schools ‘hellholes’
Harrisburg, December 7 – State Senator Vincent J. Hughes (D-Phila./Montgomery) said today the Commonwealth Foundation should be ashamed of its recent e-mail that refers to under-performing schools as “hellholes” and that the education provided in them leads to “future jail stays and welfare” for students.
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The e-mail, sent to foundation supporters, describes the conservative-leaning organization’s recent campaign to deliver bouquets of white roses as a way of lobbying legislators to “free kids from Pennsylvania’s violent, failing schools.”
In a letter to Commonwealth Foundation Vice President & COO Charles F. Mitchell, Hughes wrote that some of the comments in the e-mail were “wildly offensive. “
The Philadelphia lawmaker asked Mitchell how he would feel “if the school you attended was referred to as a ‘hellhole’ and that the only purpose of the school was to prepare students ‘for future jail stays and welfare’?”
Hughes said that he recently hosted Junior ROTC students from the schools that Mitchell calls “hellholes” and said that the students are excellent role models.
Hughes called on Mitchell to apologize for the comments, adding that “anything short of full repentance is cowardly.” He also asked Mitchell to come to his office to retrieve the roses because “assuredly, the bloom has come off.”
The full text of the Hughes letter is attached.
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