PHILADELPHIA − April 2, 2019 – As a tribute to the legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his fight for poor and working people, members of the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus are launching a 30-day campaign to address poverty and economic insecurity in the commonwealth.
The senators will kick off the Call to Action on the Crisis of Poverty and Economic Insecurity, April 4, which is the 51st anniversary of King’s assassination in Memphis, Tennessee. Members of the Senate Democrats will host events in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Reading and Scranton announcing the call to action as tribute to King’s fight.
The statewide Call to Action on the Crisis of Poverty and Economic Insecurity will to examine 30 issues related to poverty and economic security that the Senate Democrats are working on this legislative session. Each piece of legislation, whether it is a minimum wage increase or better access to affordable childcare, is intended to help improve conditions for Pennsylvania’s impoverished communities.
King’s legacy helped spark the flame for the campaign, with members finding parallels between poverty issues of today and those when he fought to bring economic justice to the U.S. The civil rights leader had traveled to Memphis to support the Sanitation Workers’ strike and was in the midst of launching the Poor People’s campaign nationally at the time of his assassination.
For more information about the call to action, including a list of events during the 30-day campaign, visit
Philadelphia event, led by Senator Vincent Hughes:
10 a.m., Thursday, April 4
Martin Luther King Jr. Mural, 4000 Lancaster Avenue
Pittsburgh event, led by Senator Jay Costa:
11 a.m. Thursday, April 4
Martin Luther King Mural, South Avenue and Hay Street, Wilkinsburg
Reading event, led by Senator Judy Schwank:
1 p.m., Thursday, April 4
St. John Missionary Baptist Church, 436 South 7th Street, Reading
Scranton event, led by Senator John Blake:
2 p.m. Thursday, April 4
Lackawanna County Courthouse Courtyard, 200 North Washington Avenue, Scranton
Other members of the General Assembly, labor and community advocates, and others will attend these events.