Respond to the 2020 Census today before it’s too late!
Federal courts set to decide whether count will end Sept. 30
The deadline to respond to the 2020 Census is nearing and we need you to respond today! It takes about 10 minutes and will have an impact for 10 years. Don’t waste any time! Complete the 2020 Census now:
The census impacts federal allocation of resources and Philadelphia stands to lose $21,000 for each person that is undercounted. Please do your part and respond today.
Here are a few reasons why the 2020 Census is so important:
- The census determines where federal resources go for the next 10 years
- It determines political representation in Washington, D.C. and Harrisburg
- It shapes federal planning for transportation, development, businesses and other infrastructure
- State emergency response resources are based on the census
- The data and research from the census will be used in critical reports and statistics
I will say it again, this is very important. We cannot afford an undercount in the Philadelphia area. Please respond to the census today so that we can ensure a complete count. If you have questions or need any assistance with the census call 844.330.2020.
REMINDER: Pennsylvania is in the Green Phase, but we still need you to wear your masks when you go into businesses and may interact with large groups of people. It is critical we take the necessary steps to continue to slow the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19.