‘Protest is leading to policy’ says Sen. Hughes as legislature passes police reform bills

The Pennsylvania Senate has passed several police reform bills as a response to the tragic murder of George Floyd and subsequent movement to address systemic policing and racial justice issues.

None of this would have been possible without the substantive action seen at protests and demonstrations across the commonwealth. My message to you all is to keep up the fight. We can win but this movement needs your voice and your action.

Here is an example of the work we’ve been able to accomplish in a short amount of time:


Please know that I am also working with my colleagues in the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus to address comprehensive police reform. We are also working to address systemic inequity in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and will soon embark on a racial equity solutions tour.

I must say this again, we must keep fighting for justice. This is not a new fight and we cannot let the moment pass. Let’s keep this movement going!

REMINDER (Especially if you are attending a protest or demonstration): Pennsylvania is in the Green Phase, but we still need you to wear your masks when you go into businesses and may interact with large groups of people. It is critical we take the necessary steps to continue to slow the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19.