The Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program has been extended to December 31. Because statewide general property tax relief for all Pennsylvania homeowners is being funded by slots gaming, supplemental property tax rebates are available to homeowners through the Property Tax/Rent Rebate program. These supplemental rebates are automatically calculated by The PA Department of Revenue and are awarded to qualifying low-income seniors who live in Philadelphia, Scranton, Pittsburgh and other parts of the state with particularly high tax burdens.

These rebates are based on property taxes or rent paid the previous calendar year.

The maximum standard rebate is $650, but supplemental rebates for qualifying homeowners can boost rebates to $975.

Homeowners now receive:

[table style=”2″]
Income Maximum Rebate
$0 to $8,000 $650
$8,001 to $15,000 $500
$15,001 to $18,000 $300
$18,001 to $35,000 $250

Renters now receive:

[table style=”2″]
Income Maximum Rebate
$0 to $8,000 $650
$8,001 to $15,000 $500


To qualify:

You or your spouse must have been at least 65 years old as of Dec. 31 of the claim year.


You were a widow or widower during all or part of the claim year and must have been 50 years or older as of Dec. 31.


You were permanently disabled during all or part of the claim year, 18 years or older during the claim year and were unable to work because of a medically determined physical or mental disability. If you applied for Social Security Disability and were denied benefits, you are not eligible for a rebate as a disabled claimant.


You must have owned and occupied a home or rented and occupied a home, apartment, nursing home, boarding home or similar residence in Pennsylvania during the period for which you claim the rebate.

Homeowners must have paid property taxes prior to applying. Renters must verify their landlords were required to pay property taxes or made payments in lieu of property taxes on rental properties.

The income limit is $35,000 a year for homeowners and $15,000 annually for renters, and half of Social Security income is excluded.

It costs nothing to apply for a rebate. Brochure Applications, including instructions, are available by clicking here or by calling 1-888-222-9190. Applicants can also visit my district office or the Department of Revenue district offices, local Area Agencies on Aging and local senior centers for applications.

Please share this information with friends and loved ones. Many folks who are eligible do not apply and miss out on this valuable program. Eligible individuals must reapply for rebates every year because rebates are based on property taxes or rent paid each year and annual income.

Click here for more information.