I’m glad to announce the creation of a new scholarship program for all new born PA residents. It’s called Keystone Scholars and it takes effect on January 1, 2019.
As the prime co-sponsor of Senate Bill 1130, I worked with my Republican colleagues and PA Treasurer Joe Torsella to create the program and ensure a better future for our children.
“The $100 investment into Pennsylvania students helps create the mindset that higher education can be a reality while also encouraging families to plan for the future while a child is still young,” Senator Hughes said.
By saving $25 a month, parents will have saved $10,000 by the time the child turns 18. These funds can be used for any qualified higher education expense at an approved institution of higher education, including trade schools, vocational programs, community colleges, and universities in or outside Pennsylvania.
New state college savings plan targets newborns
Sara Hoover | Philly Tribune | July 14, 2018
Parents who have a baby or adopt next year will automatically get a $100 start from Pennsylvania toward their child’s college fund.
The state treasury launched a pilot program earlier this year, and Gov. Tom Wolf signed the universal college savings program into law recently as part of the state budget.
Program sets up Pa. children with seed money to start saving for college
Jan Murphy | The Patriot-News | June 26, 2018
“I supported the Keystone Scholars program from the beginning because I believe in the power of education and the opportunities it provides,” Hughes said.