National Night Out

2023 National Night Out

Communities Making a Difference Together

Senator Hughes celebrated National Night Out at 5 different neighborhoods around the district including Carroll Park, Parkside, Mantua, East Falls, and Strawberry Mansion.

National Night Out was celebrated across the country on August 1st to bring together communities and promote neighborhood safety. While 17,000 communities participate in this annual event, Philadelphia has the largest National Night Out in the US!

Each neighborhood event was a wonderful gathering of neighbors enjoying time together and recognizing the power of community. It was a beautiful reminder that good things can happen when communities come together.

2023 National Night Out
2023 National Night Out

Senator Hughes talked with neighbors and law enforcement about the importance of working together to end gun violence. In Philadelphia, there has been a 20% decrease in shootings compared to this same time last year, but we know there is more work to do. We must stay committed to our communities and making change at a local level to stop gun violence and ensure families feel safe.  

“Don’t give up. Keep believing. We’re going to win on this fight to end gun violence. We’ve already reduced shootings in Philadelphia by over twenty percent. We have to keep fighting.”

– Senator Hughes –