Make sure your vote gets counted, return your mail-in ballot early
Satellite election offices and drop boxes are two ways to securely return your mail-in ballots
We’re only eight days away from the historic 2020 Election and it’s voting time. I encourage everyone to return their ballot as soon as possible.
The last day to request a vote by mail ballot is tomorrow, Oct. 27. That means it is your last chance to request a ballot that can be returned early. Satellite election offices are open across the city of Philadelphia where you can request a mail ballot and submit it the same day through Tuesday evening.
Here is the information for those locations:
After this Tuesday, the satellite election offices and drop boxes will remain available to help people submit their mail ballots up until Election Day.
Keep in mind if you are registered to vote and do not select the option to vote using a mail ballot, you will have to wait until Nov. 3 to cast your ballot. Officials across the state are encouraging people to submit their ballots early to ensure less traffic on Election Day and to help curb the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19, for which cases again are on the rise.
Use your voice. Don’t lose it. Vote.
The Philadelphia City Commissioners have released a voting information reference sheet, for your important questions.
For information in Montgomery County and the other Philadelphia Counties visit
All of what is on comes directly from election officials at the county level or the Pennsylvania Department of State. If in doubt should be your first place to gather information.
REMINDER: If you’re going to the grocery store, a satellite election center or to the polls on Nov. 3, we need you to wear a mask. It protects you from the coronavirus, as well as those who you may come in contact with while away from home. That is the best thing we can do to protect public health and to slow the spread of the virus.