Time is running out to register to vote and to vote by mail

Plan accordingly to vote on or before Nov. 3!

We are three weeks away from the 2020 General Election and that means time is running out to develop a plan to vote.

Please be sure you register to vote before the Oct. 19 deadline. That is the first step to any plan. You can do that or check your registration status at votespa.com. If you have moved or are unsure of where your polling location is located, votespa.com is the place you go to address those issues.

There are a number of ways to vote but with limited time remaining, it is critical you understand the implications of your decisions.

Mail Ballots

Many people have requested mail ballots. Those should be returned ASAP to mitigate any processing delays. 

*Do not forget mail ballots. Many people have requested mail ballots. Those should be returned ASAP to mitigate any processing delays if you intend to send them back in the mail.  Here is a graphic that helps show the process to return the mail ballot: *


Voting in person at satellite election centers

Please note that most Pennsylvania counties have opened satellite election offices and have set up drop boxes for mail ballots. This is a 100 percent safe way to receive or return your mail ballot and ensure it is counted.

There are a number of satellite election centers open in Philadelphia and Montgomery County. Click the links below to find more info about the locations:


Condado de Montgomery

You can search all satellite election offices and secure ballot locations statewide here

It is critical that you are registered to vote and have the application processed before requesting a mail ballot. Also, note that registering to vote at a satellite election center will add additional time to the process, so it is encouraged that you register to vote before going to the satellite election center and requesting a ballot.

Finally, you can still vote at your polling location on election day. Please be sure you are safe and practicing social distancing if you plan to vote as you would traditionally. We are still in the middle of a pandemic and public health remains our highest priority.

Again, have a plan and make sure you VOTE!