The #MayDayChallenge is complete but we still need you to help #StopTheVirus

We need everyone to get the vaccinet

Sheryl and I were proud to host five vaccine clinics in the community this weekend where we had about 1,000 people get the COVID-19 vaccine as a part of our #MayDayChallenge.

We are still using the #StopTheVirus campaign to help address vaccine hesitancy and to encourage people in our community to get the vaccine, so please stay tuned for more action in that space. It is important that everyone eligible get the vaccine so that we can begin our new normal. Recently, public health officials explained how important it is to get the vaccine because of the number of COVID-19 variants, which is why we must be vigilant in our efforts.

Pennsylvania Officials Kick Off Mayo Challenge In Effort To Get Philadelphians Vaccinated

Thank you to our partners on Sábado’s efforts: Spectrum Health Services, Public Health Management Corporation, Main Line Health, Pennsylvania College of Osteopathic Medicine, Penn Medicine and Jefferson Health. They are continuing to help the community get the vaccine as we move forward. Please consider using their services to get the vaccine, as well as for health services going forward.


Todavía estamos en medio de la pandemia, y aunque hay luz al final del túnel, debemos permanecer vigilantes en la lucha contra este virus hasta que alcancemos nuestros objetivos de salud pública y una nueva normalidad. Usted puede hacer su parte en la campaña #StopTheVirus haciendo estas tres cosas: Ponte una mascarilla, hazte la prueba, ponte la vacuna. 
