The continued effects of the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak has led to the closings of all city non-essential Philadelphia businesses, as well as closings to all non-life sustaining businesses across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
This reality is unwelcome to so many Pennsylvanians who were already struggling to make ends meet and provide for their families, however the closings are for the good of public health. Senator Hughes understands people are in need and he will continue to fight to protect our most vulnerable families and individuals. Knowing that people may be in need right now, we want to provide the most up-to-date information and resources, especially regarding food.
Here is how you can get food during this crisis:
Philadelphia officials have released a new plan for distributing meals at 80 locations during the week
Philadelphia city and school district officials have released a new plan for distributing meals at 80 locations during the week. (Note: Many locations are now open Lunes through Jueves. Some vary by day of operation.)
Montgomery County officials and schools are also offering meals during the week. You can find more information about schedules here:
There are a number of food pantries in Montgomery County and those locations can be accessed through the same link.
The greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger has a map of all food pantries in the region:
Our friends at Philabundance have a wonderful interactive map to find locations where you can get prepared meals, as well as food pantries. You can access that map here. Simply enter in your zip code and you will have a list of the food pantries and kitchens in your area.
The folks at Share Food Program have worked with us on numerous occasions and you can call them at 215.223.2220 or visit their website at for more info.
Community Legal Services has a guide for signing up for SNAP benefits if your circumstance changes as a result of the coronavirus. If eligible, you can sign up at BenePhilly provides over the phone enrollment for SNAP at 1-800-236-1194.
Keep an eye out on social media for organizations offering meals. We are sharing them to Senator Hughes’ accounts as we see them, but we can’t get to them all.
How you can help:
Organizations like MANNA and Meals on Wheels need your help during this pandemic. Please reach out to these great organizations if you’re able to help others.
Here are some other organizations you can help and where to reach them:
We also recommend contacting community nonprofits, churches and organizations to find out how you can seek or give help during the public health crisis.
Grocery delivery:
If grocery shopping is a physical challenge and you need assistance, many local stores including SuperFresh, Fresh Grocer, Shop Rite, Fine Fare, Shop n Bag, Giant offer delivery service for a fee. Call 311 for more information on grocery stores with this service.
Many stores, such as ShopRite, are offering hours for seniors to shop before the general public is allowed in stores. Please take advantage of such services.
Do not hesitate to contact Senator Hughes’ office at 215-879-7777 or for any questions.
Do not hesitate to contact Senator Hughes office at 215-879-7777 or for any questions.
Here is guide issued by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, helping provide clear guidance and direction in response to coronavirus COVID-19.
El condado de Montgomery está haciendo lo mismo.
Senator Hughes and his colleagues in the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus are working to ensure state-level resources get to our people, especially the most vulnerable. We will provide more information as it becomes available. Visit for the latest updates.
In the meantime, here are some reminders about preventing spread of the disease:
Buenas prácticas para planificar, prepararse y responder al coronavirus COVID-19, según los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades.
¿Cuáles son los síntomas del coronavirus?
Los síntomas del COVID-19 pueden incluir:
- Fiebre
- Tos
- Falta de aliento
Los síntomas pueden aparecer en tan sólo dos días o hasta 14 días después de la exposición. Se han notificado casos de personas con síntomas leves o inexistentes y casos de personas gravemente enfermas y fallecidas.
Qué hacer si cree que tiene el coronavirus COVID-19,según los CDC:
- Quedarse en casa excepto para recibir atención médica
- Sepárate de otras personas y animales en tu casa
- Llame antes de ir al médico
- Utilice una mascarilla si está enfermo
- Cúbrete al toser y estornudar
- Lávese las manos a menudo
- Evitar compartir objetos personales del hogar
- Limpie a diario todas las superficies "que se tocan".
For more details on what to do prevent coronavirus COVID-19 spread, visit the CDCs full list of recommendations