Tell Federal Lawmakers: Don’t Cut My Coverage, Don’t Cut My Healthcare

Senador Vincent Hughes

This week Senator Vincent Hughes was joined by Democratic colleagues from the Senate and House to announce 4 bills that would protect the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in Pennsylvania from attacks in Washington DC.

The package of bills would keep healthcare accessible and affordable for all Pennsylvanians and protect against any ACA rollbacks that could come at the federal level. Senator Hughes wants to:

  • Require coverage for pre-existing conditions
  • Allow children to stay on parent’s insurance until 26
  • Prohibit lifetime limits on coverage
  • Require coverage of essential health benefits like emergency room care, blood tests, maternity care, and mental health treatment
Contact Congress

While these bills can protect Pennsylvanians, it’s important to let federal lawmakers know we don’t want them messing with our healthcare. The message is clear:

Don’t Cut My Coverage, Don’t Cut My Healthcare

You can contact Congress by calling the numbers below.

Contact Congress

A Recap of Our Affordable Care Act Telephone Town Hall

Senator Hughes spoke with constituents this week on a telephone townhall to hear their questions about healthcare and discuss the legislation he introduced to protect the Affordable Care Act.

He heard from several residents who had questions about their specific healthcare plans and concerns about the future of coverage for everyone.

Experts from the Pennsylvania Health Access Network and Pennie reassured callers that we can all work together to protect healthcare coverage. If we stand together, share personal stories, and contact our federal lawmakers, we can push back.

Senador Vincent Hughes

Senator Hughes is in this fight with you. He’s ready to do everything he can at a state level to protect Pennsylvanians and fight back against right-wing attempts to take coverage, funding, and money away from hardworking people.  

Click below to listen to the full conversation on our website.

Senator Hughes discussed the future of healthcare and the Affordable Care Act with experts from the Pennsylvania Health Access Network and Pennie