Hughes: Halt of Voter ID Law is a Victory for Voters

HARRISBURG, Octubre 2, 2012 — Following Commonwealth Court’s decision to halt Pennsylvania’s voter ID law until after the 2012 General Election in Noviembre, state Sen. Vincent Hughes (D-Phila./Montgomery) offered the following comments on the ruling: “This decision is...

Senator Hughes Comments on Voter ID Law Court Decision

HARRISBURG, Agosto 15, 2012 – Following ommonwealth Court’s refusal to grant an injunction to stop the voter ID law going forward, State Senator Vincent Hughes (D-Phila./Montgomery) offered the following comments: Watch real stories from citizens who will be...

Voter ID Law Rally Going on Tomorrow, Julio 24, 2012

Voter ID Law rally going on tomorrow, Julio 24 at 1 p.m. on the State Capitol Steps to protest the voter ID law. Hope to see you there! There are several buses leaving from Philly tomorrow: The Phila NAACP buses will leave tomorrow for Harrisburg at 9 AM Julio 24 from...