Puede 15, 2024
Celebrating Lee Morgan and the Legacy of Jazz in Philadelphia Senator Hughes joined All That Philly Jazz and Philly community members for a beautiful ceremony to celebrate the historical marker unveiling for jazz great Lee Morgan! Lee Morgan was born in Philadelphia...
Abril 24, 2024
Philadelphia, PA – Abril 24, 2024 – Today, Senator Hughes, Congressman Dwight Evans, the Mayor’s office, and leaders from across Pennsylvania broke ground on a new affordable housing project in the Mantua neighborhood of Philadelphia. The housing development,...
28 de septiembre de 2023
Septiembre 28, 2023 – Senator Vincent Hughes, Senate Democratic Appropriations Chair, announced over $19.5 million dollars in grants for 35 projects that support crime victims and criminal justice in the 7th District. The funds were awarded through multiple grant...
Julio 26, 2023
Philadelphia, PA – Julio 26, 2023 – Senator Vincent Hughes, Representative Morgan Cephas, and Councilman Curtis Jones Jr. came together to present over $1 million dollars in grants from the state and city of Philadelphia to the Friends of Granahan for improvements to...
Julio 21, 2023
Filadelfia, PA - 21 de julio 2023 - El senador Hughes se unió a los senadores Jimmy Dillon, Art Haywood, Tim Kearney, la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Pensilvania y Filadelfia, y líderes de la comunidad para llamar la atención sobre dos proyectos de ley de armas de sentido común que están a un paso...
Julio 3, 2023
Harrisburg, PA – Julio 3, 2023 – Senator Vincent Hughes (D-Philadelphia/Montgomery) issued the following statement in response to recent Supreme Court decisions that end affirmative action, support the discrimination of LGBTQ individuals, and strike down...
Julio 3, 2023
Harrisburg, PA- El viernes, el Senado de Pennsylvania aprobó HB 1100, un proyecto de ley que modificaría el Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles y el Programa de Reembolso de Alquiler (PT / RR) para ampliar los umbrales de ingresos elegibles para incluir un adicional de 173.000...
Junio 14, 2023
Harrisburg, PA - 14 de junio 2023- Senador Vincent Hughes ((D-Filadelfia / Montgomery) anunció más de $ 6,5 millones de dólares de la Comisión de Pensilvania sobre el Delito y la Delincuencia (PCCD) para la prevención de la violencia y la reducción de abuso de sustancias, tratamiento y recuperación....
Junio 13, 2023
Harrisburg, PA - 12 de junio 2023 - El senador Vincent Hughes aplaudió el avance del proyecto de ley 1188 de la Comisión Judicial de la Cámara. El proyecto de ley, patrocinado por el Representante Chris Rabb, proporciona a los legisladores de Pensilvania la capacidad de solicitar...
Junio 12, 2023
12 de junio 2023 -Senador Vincent Hughes (D-Filadelfia / Montgomery) anunció más de $ 5,000,000 en Pennsylvania Vivienda Asequibilidad y Rehabilitación Fondo de Mejora (PHARE) para las organizaciones a través de los condados de Filadelfia y Montgomery. Las subvenciones se...
Puede 26, 2023
Philadelphia, PA – Puede 26, 2023- Senator Vincent Hughes held a press conference at Drexel’s School of Education with teacher advocates and education experts to introduce new, bipartisan legislation that would offer up to $15,000 in stipends to student teachers. Senate...
Puede 11, 2023
Harrisburg, PA – Puede 11, 2023 – Senator Vincent Hughes, State Senate Democratic Appropriations Chair, celebrated the announcement of an available $1.3 million for at-risk youth in Pennsylvania through the First Chance Trust Fund. Legislation to establish the...
Puede 5, 2023
HARRISBURG, PA – Puede 5, 2023: Today, State Senator Vincent Hughes (D-Philadelphia/Montgomery) and State Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-York) introduced bipartisan legislation that takes important steps to protect minors and their mental health on social media....
Puede 4, 2023
Harrisburg, PA – Puede 4, 2023: On Martes, 2 Puede, 2023, Senators Vincent Hughes and Art Haywood took to the Senate floor to speak in opposition to a bill that would appoint a non-elected special prosecutor to incidents involving SEPTA transit jurisdiction;...
21 de abril de 2023
Filadelfia, PA - 21 de abril 2023 - Ayer, el senador estatal Vincent Hughes celebró una conferencia de prensa en el New Courtland Apartments en Henry Avenue para destacar $ 100 millones de dólares en fondos de subvención que está disponible a través del Programa de Opciones de Vivienda. La financiación...
Abril 12, 2023
PHILADELPHIA, PA – APRIL 12, 2023: State Senator Vincent Hughes (D-Philadelphia/Montgomery) teamed up with PhillyGoes2College Martes evening to host their free Money for College/Finance Your Future event. Held at the School of the Future, the event offered tax prep...
Marzo 30, 2023
HARRISBURG, PA – MARCH 30, 2023: Today, Senate Democratic Appropriations Chairman Vincent Hughes (D-Montgomery/Philadelphia) announced applications have officially opened for the Housing Options Grant Program-Multi-family (HOP-MF) Program. The $100 million program,...
Marzo 16, 2023
HARRISBURG, PA – MARCH 16, 2023- State Senator Vincent Hughes (D-Montgomery/Philadelphia) announced Jueves nearly $5 million in Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) grants for eleven projects in the 7th senatorial district. The CFA holds fiduciary...
Marzo 8, 2023
Marzo 8, 2023 – Harrisburg, PA- As Temple University continues to mourn the tragic loss of TU Police Sergeant Christopher Fitzgerald, today State Senator Vincent Hughes (D-Philadelphia/Montgomery) announced the awarding of a grant to support the university’s police...
Marzo 7, 2023
HARRISBURG, PA: Today, Senate Democrats and House Democrats held a joint press conference to respond to Governor Shapiro’s Budget Address. Senate Democrats are pleased with a commonsense budget that invests in the future of Pennsylvania, and are excited to continue...
Marzo 2, 2023
MARCH 2, 2023 – PHILADELPHIA, PA- Today, State Senate Democratic Appropriations Chair Vincent Hughes (D-Philadelphia/Montgomery) announced a $3.1 billion proposal for funding Pennsylvania’s education system. The bold proposal is a significant step in addressing...
Febrero 7, 2023
(Harrisburg, PA) Febrero 7, 2023 — The Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus applauds the Commonwealth Court’s historic ruling in William Penn School District, et al. v. Pennsylvania Department of Education, et al., that Pennsylvania’s system of funding public...
Puede 16, 2022
PHILADELPHIA – Puede 16, 2022 – Today, Senator Art Haywood (D-Montgomery/Philadelphia), Senator Vincent Hughes (D-Montgomery/Philadelphia), and House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton (D-Philadelphia/Delaware) hosted a check presentation and press conference at...
Diciembre 1, 2021
HARRISBURG- Diciembre 1, 2021 — Gun violence prevention efforts in Philadelphia have been awarded more than $5.4 million in state grants, Sen. Vincent Hughes announced today. The grants were part of the $30 million in funding secured in the most recent state...
Diciembre 23, 2020
PHILADELPHIA – Diciembre 23, 2020 – State Senator Vincent Hughes (D-Philadelphia/Montgomery) issued the following statement after Gov. Tom Wolf announced a transfer of $145 million from the commonwealth’s Workers’ Compensation Fund Security Fund at the...