Alto a la violencia armada

Senador Vincent Hughes

A un paso de las leyes de armas sensatas

Al Senador Hughes se le unieron los Senadores Jimmy Dillon, Art Haywood, Tim Kearney, la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Pennsylvania y Filadelfia, y líderes de la comunidad para llamar la atención sobre dos proyectos de ley de sentido común sobre armas de fuego que están a un paso de ser firmados como ley por el Gobernador Shapiro.

The legislation would establish red flag laws and universal background checks in Pennsylvania.

Red flag laws would empower loved ones and law enforcement in PA to respond when someone is showing warning signs that they are a risk to themselves or others around them.

Universal background checks would require ALL gun purchases be processed through the State Police Background Check system.

“Our Senators want a vote,” Senator Hughes said. “The last time we were here at Mander Playground we announced $150 million dollars for neighborhood-based violence prevention organizations. Those grassroots investments are making a difference, but we also need these laws that will help law enforcement and communities stop the shootings, stop the violence, and stop the fear that too many are feeling.”

Senator Hughes brought together a broad coalition of lawmakers and community leaders to let Pennsylvanians know- we are ONE step away from commonsense gun laws.

One Step Away: End Gun Violence Press Conference

At the press conference, Senator Hughes explained that the House of Representatives passed red flag laws and universal background checks in a bipartisan vote over sixty days ago.

If you’d like to get involved in the fight to pass these commonsense gun laws, visit CeasefirePA to learn how you can contact lawmakers and take action to encourage a vote in the Senate.