WHO: State Senator Vincent Hughes and State Representative Brian Sims

WHAT: Sen. Hughes and Rep. Sims will host a conference call for members of the press about how expanding Medicaid will impact Pennsylvania and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community.

Under the Affordable Care Act, Pennsylvania is eligible for $4 billion in federal funds to expand health-care for low-income working individuals. Gov. Tom Corbett has thus far refused to commit to accepting the money.

Sen. Hughes and Rep. Sims will discuss the implications of this policy debate for Pennsylvania and the LGBT community.

WHEN: Martes, Junio 25th @ 10:00 AM

WHERE: Call-In Number: 1-888-330-1716    Access Code #: 8098114

CONTACT: Please RSVP to Ben Waxman via e-mail: bwaxman@pasenate.com