Harrisburg – Enero 27, 2017 – Senator Vincent Hughes issued the following statement calling for immediate negotiations to create a statewide paid sick leave policy for employers:

“Earlier this week, the Republican majority on the Pennsylvania Senate’s Local Government Committee voted down my amendment to create a statewide sick leave policy which would have allowed workers to earn time off for medical reasons. I offered my amendment to a bill that will preempt paid sick leave policies that are already in place, including taking away benefits from over 200,000 workers in Philadelphia.

“Proponents of the preemption bill claimed at the hearing that employers need a unified policy. Therefore, I am calling for immediate negotiations for a statewide sick leave policy that will work for both employees and employers. Lawmakers, members of the business community, advocates, and labor must come together to address this issue.

“We know that the folks who are most directly impacted are workers at the bottom of the economic ladder. They deserve to have the opportunity to earn sick days, so that they can protect their health and productivity. It is time for all of the players to come together and work to make this a reality.”   

State Senator Vincent Hughes represents the 7th Senatorial District and is the Democratic Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee.
