Overview of 2018 Parking Amnesty Program
Who is eligible for amnesty?
- Individuals with parking violations issued prior to 2013 that are unpaid, or partially unpaid
- Individuals with towing and storage fees prior to 2015
How will I benefit from amnesty?
- All parking tickets including fines and penalties prior to 2013 will be forgiven and/or
- 70% of towing & storage fees prior to 2015 will be forgiven.
How do I enroll in amnesty?
- To enroll, individuals can make payments in full for violations issued in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017, or they can enroll in a payment plan for outstanding tickets-10% down payment, over 24 months
- If an individual does not have any unpaid tickets issued 2013-2017, they can pay a $50 fee to enroll in amnesty and will be forgiven of all violations older than 2013 (except for towing and storage fees)
- Individuals with towing and storage fees prior to 2015 can enroll by paying 30% of fees in full and the remaining 70% will be forgiven. No payment plans will be offered for towing and storage fees prior to 2015
How do I stay enrolled in amnesty?
- If enrolled in a payment plan for tickets issued 2013-2017, individuals must make all monthly payments on time to stay enrolled in amnesty
- If a payment on tickets issued 2013-2017 is missed, individuals will no longer be eligible for amnesty and will be responsible for older tickets unless special circumstances can be shown
What wiII happen next?
Enrollment in the amnesty program will begin Marzo 1 and run through Abril 30
- On Marzo 1st, please visit www.phila.gov/parkingamnesty to find out more information and enroll online
- Beginning Marzo 12th, visit 917 Filbert St, Philadelphia, PA 19107 between 8:30 am – 6 pm Lunes through Viernes and 9 am – 4 pm on Sábado