State officials have responded to the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak and subsequent business closings by making it easier to access unemployment during this unprecedented public health crisis.
The first major change is the suspension of the waiting week, allowing those who are without work the ability to file for unemployment immediately. The second major change is suspending of the work registration and work search requirements for those receiving unemployment benefits. Both of these provisions will remain in effect as long as Gov. Tom Wolf’s emergency declaration stands.
You can apply for unemployment benefits online here. Please note that there are intermittent delays because of the surge in new applicants. Follow the link for a comprehensive list of FAQs about Unemployment Compensation Benefits amid COVID-19
Finally, businesses will not be held responsible for an employee’s unemployment compensation as long as a federal disaster declaration remains in place. This is an important step the commonwealth is taking to assist business owners.
Senator Hughes and the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus remain committed to the needs of the people through the American Working Families Relief Action Plan and are working to ensure our hardworking individuals and families are able to come out of this crisis OK. Get up-to-date information at
Here is guide issued by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, helping provide clear guidance and direction in response to coronavirus COVID-19.
El condado de Montgomery está haciendo lo mismo.
Senator Hughes and his colleagues in the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus are working to ensure state-level resources get to our people, especially the most vulnerable. We will provide more information as it becomes available. Visit for the latest updates.
In the meantime, here are some reminders about preventing spread of the disease:
Buenas prácticas para planificar, prepararse y responder al coronavirus COVID-19, según los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades.
¿Cuáles son los síntomas del coronavirus?
Los síntomas del COVID-19 pueden incluir:
- Fiebre
- Tos
- Falta de aliento
Los síntomas pueden aparecer en tan sólo dos días o hasta 14 días después de la exposición. Se han notificado casos de personas con síntomas leves o inexistentes y casos de personas gravemente enfermas y fallecidas.
Qué hacer si cree que tiene el coronavirus COVID-19,según los CDC:
- Quedarse en casa excepto para recibir atención médica
- Sepárate de otras personas y animales en tu casa
- Llame antes de ir al médico
- Utilice una mascarilla si está enfermo
- Cúbrete al toser y estornudar
- Lávese las manos a menudo
- Evitar compartir objetos personales del hogar
- Limpie a diario todas las superficies "que se tocan".
For more details on what to do prevent coronavirus COVID-19 spread, visit the CDCs full list of recommendations