Tuve el honor y el privilegio de acompañar y hablar con los alumnos de la Science Leadership Academy School de Filadelfia que participaron en el National Walkout Day. También asistí a un acto en el Ayuntamiento de Filadelfia donde se reunieron los estudiantes que participaron en el paro.

It was an impressive and important day.

The students walked in solidarity with the 17 students who were killed a month ago by an assailant with an assault weapon at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

The students have had enough of loose gun laws, inactivity by Congress and the president on addressing gun issues.

The students say it’s time for action and “it could have been us”, “enough is enough”, “we have the power”, “protect kids overs guns.” These are tough and important words that adults who make the laws need to hear. I join the students in saying I’ve had enough.

I applaud those who joined the march against gun violence. Using their First Amendment rights, students are fighting with the most important weapon at their disposal: their right to speak out and force change.

Our students were courageous and strong. It’s time for policymakers to act.

National Student Walkout Day