Help #StopTheVirus: Join the virtual dialogue on COVID-19 with Black men Jueves!
We are going to #StopTheVirus together
The latest event in the #StopTheVirus campaign happens this Jueves evening in a conversation I plan to convene with Black men about COVID-19. Sheryl and I understand connecting our communities with trusted messages from trusted messengers is a key in making a difference in this fight against the virus. Join us and get the most up-to date information and address any concerns you have about the COVID-19 response or vaccine:
6 p.m., Jueves, Marzo 25
Virtual conversation with Black men about COVID-19
We will be joined by Dr. Paris Butler, an assistant professor with the University of Pennsylvania Health System; Dr. Bill King, of the Pediatric and Adolescent Center of Philadelphia and a local National Medical Association Vice President; Joel Wilson, president and chairman of the 100 Black Men Philadelphia Chapter; and Robert Bruce Hill, president of the Alpha Phi Alpha Rho Chapter.
We look forward to seeing you Jueves evening and hope you will spread the word ahead of this important dialogue.
Remember, you can do your part in the #StopTheVirus campaign by doing these three things: Get a mask, get the test, get the vaccine.