SOLICITE HOY MISMO: Ya están abiertas las solicitudes para el Programa de Intervención y Prevención de la Violencia (VIP)

$105 million available for groups working to reduce violence and make their communities safer

Cuando se trata de prevenir la violencia en ciudades y pueblos de toda la Commonwealth, mis colegas y yo hicimos una inversión clave con la aprobación del presupuesto para el periodo 22-23: 105 millones de dólares para el Programa de Intervención y Prevención de la Violencia.

Para combatir la violencia en Pensilvania es necesario un planteamiento que cuente con todas las partes implicadas, y los grupos e iniciativas de base comunitaria están realizando una enorme labor a escala local.

Without them, our efforts to create a safe place for everyone to live would not be successful.

These groups have fought hard to carry out this important work in their neighborhoods, at times, with limited resources.

Groups reached out to my colleagues and me asking for help:  we heard them and are delivering a helping hand.

Senator Hughes Announces Violence Intervention & Prevention Grants
Rep. Bullock

Right now, the application process is live for the Violence Intervention and Prevention Program.

We made a historic investment in this fairly new program, which just 18 months ago did not exist.

We launched it last year with $45 million in funding, and more than doubled that to $105 million this year.

Senator Hughes Announces Violence Intervention & Prevention Grants

Why? Because we know the need for more support is real.

Last year we received 370 applications, totaling a need for $170 million, with only $45 million available. This year’s investment gets us closer to reaching the need, and we are going to keep fighting for even more funding.

In the meantime, my team and I encourage all qualified groups to apply for this funding by visiting this website: Gun Violence Grants & Funding (

With deadlines fast approaching, don’t delay, apply today!