Senator Hughes Statement on Senate Passage of Bipartisan Budget Compromise
HARRISBURG, December 7th, 2015 − Senator Vincent Hughes released the following statement on Senate passage of Senate Bill 1073, a bipartisan state budget compromise: “I am thankful that the Pennsylvania Senate has come together and passed a compromise bill to end the...Senate Hearing Focuses on Budget Impasse’s Impact on Schools
Harrisburg – October 28, 2015 – At the request of state Sen. Vince Hughes (D-Phila.), the Senate Democratic Policy Committee today held a hearing on the devastating impact that the state’s 120-day budget impasse is having on schools across the state. “While many of...Senate Democrats Ask Treasurer to Withhold Payment to Charters
Harrisburg – Oct, 20, 2015 – State Senate Democrats today called on the Pennsylvania state treasurer to “stop payment” on a scheduled disbursement of property tax revenue headed to charter schools. They have sent a letter to state Treasurer Tim Reese formally asking...Senator Hughes Responds to Pennsylvania House Vote on Governor Wolf’s Proposed Revenue Package
HARRISBURG- October 7th, 2015 – State Senator Vincent Hughes, Democratic Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, released the following statement in response to the Pennsylvania House’s negative vote on Governor Wolf’s revenue package: “Republican lawmakers...Senator Hughes Slams Republicans for Trying to Hold Education Funding Hostage to Force Unpopular Liquor Privatization Proposal
HARRISBURG – (July 28, 2015) – Senator Vincent Hughes released the following statement in response to Pennsylvania House Speaker Mike Turzai’s recent comments on state budget negotiations: “I am disappointed by recent comments made by Rep. Mike Turzai, who...Senator Hughes Blasts Republican State Budget Priorities, Says “It Would Move Pennsylvania in the Wrong Direction.”
HARRISBURG, June 30th, 2015 − Senator Vincent Hughes released the following statement on the Republican legislative priorities, including state budget, liquor privatization, and pension overhaul: “I am deeply disappointed with the actions of my Republican colleagues...Senate Democrats: Eliminate Property Taxes for 2 Million Pennsylvanians
Harrisburg – June 24, 2015 – A new property tax plan that would eliminate school property taxes for 2 million homeowners, reduce property taxes by $1,990 for another 1.2 million homesteads and provide a $500 rent rebate for more than 800,000 Pennsylvanians was unveiled today by Senate Democrats.