28 days left before the 2020 Census ends its 2020 count
An inaccurate count could cost southeast PA $10,000 in federal funding per person
Complete the 2020 Census today! The U.S. Census Bureau has cut the response time for the 2020 Census, which means there are 28 days left to respond.
The decennial census affects billions of dollars in federal resources and a miscount could cost the Philadelphia region $10,000 per person. That’s less money for already underfunded schools, nonprofits, supplemental food benefits, transportation dollars and so many other important federally funded initiatives.
It also affects representation in DC and at the state level. If southeastern Pennsylvania is miscounted, we stand to lose Congressional seats, as well as House and Senate seats in Harrisburg because of population-based redistricting.
I encourage you to respond to the census today at 2020Census.gov. You can also call 844-330-2020 to get help completing the census.
There are only nine questions and it takes about 10 minutes to complete. Respond today! It will have a major impact on our community if we can get the proper resources. So far almost 40 percent of the nation isn’t counted and Philadelphia is traditionally viewed as a hard-to-count area. We need an accurate count in the region but we must take special care to make sure Philly Counts!
Be sure to keep an eye out for census caravans and other events in the near future. If you’ve already completed the census, I appreciate your participation and would ask that you consider being an active partner in ensuring your community is counted.